The Rehearsal

It began with a thought. An analogy. Comparing life as a dance and humanity as our partners, it was questioned, how do we dance with each other in unison? What happens when we are no longer in sync? Do we awkwardly step and stumble over each other, does one succumb to the other partner's movements, or do the partners’ movements force them to separate and drift off…

The act of rehearsing is a process of practicing. Life’s interactions are filled with spontaneity and improvisation. In this social experiment, each dancer is listening to their own individual music while blindfolded and paired with a dance partner(s). Filmed over a two month time period, the footage recorded is made entirely of rehearsed performances. It was never intended to have a final performance. It was important for each interaction to be filmed in order to capture its organic flow.

To watch the video on Vimeo, visit: